20/50 Club Lottery
The SDFNE fiscal year ended at the end of April, 2022 and at the same time, the 20/50 club Lottery came to an end. The SDFNE Board of Directors wish to thank all those who have participated in the lottery over the past 26 years. John Wedge SDFNE 20/50 Club …
20/50 Club Membership
The SDFNE has established a 20/50 Club Lottery drawing.
2015 – Bill & Norma Barker
NEW ENGLAND SQUARE & ROUND DANCE COOPERATION COMMITTEE YANKEE CLIPPER AWARD CITATION BILL & NORMA BARKER Bill & Norma Barker have exhibited strong commitment, support and longevity in an activity they both love. They have one of the greatest records of dance longevity in New England. They began dancing in 1962 when …
2015 – Coleen Irish (ME)
The LOCAL LEGEND AWARD was established to honor those individuals and couples who have advanced the goals of the SQUARE DANCE FOUNDATION OF NEW ENGLAND by their actions within their local areas. These goals are the promotion, preservation, and perpetuation of the square and round dance activity. Colleen Irish fits …
2015 – Charlie & Paula Trapp (MA)
Charlie started round dancing with Don & Hope Sargent and square dancing with Jack Bright in 1966 and started calling in 1968. Over the years he has taught classes at the Happy Squares, the Waltham Twirlers, the Ramblin Hoedowners, the Nauset Squares, the Nautical Twirlers, Kramers Hayloft, the Fan-C-Squares and many …