Category: Interview Transcripts
Tirrell, Doc & Peg: ROUNDALAB Silver Circle
DOC & PEG TIRRELL INTERVIEW Bob Brundage: Well, good morning again, this is Bob Brundage again. We’re at the National Square Dance Convention in Orlando, Florida. This morning we’re talking to two recipients of the Silver Spur Award, and also the Silver Certificate from Roundalab. We’re talking to Peg and …
Van Antwerp, Bob: SIO Hall of Fame, CALLERLAB Milestone
BOB VAN ANTWERP INTERVIEW March 31, 1997 Bob Brundage: Well, hi again, this is Bob Brundage, the date today is March 31, 1997, and today we are in Stateline, Nevada, right next to Tahoe, and we are talking with Bob Van Antwerp, one of our Hall of Famers and Milestone …
Wagner, Dale
Dale Wagner November 14, 1997 BB: Today I’m way up in Milwaukee, WI. Actually, we’re in the little town of Waumatosa, and today we’re talking to Dale Wagner. The date today is November 14, 1997. So Dale, you’ve had a long and happy career in square dancing so before we …
Warrick, Red
Red Warrick June 28, 1996 Bob Brundage (BB): Well, here we are at the 45th National Square Dance Convention in San Antonio. The date today is June the 28th (1996). And today we’re talking with Red Warrick, who will tell you all about life before square dancing and how he …
Weaver, Buddy
Wedge, Johnny: NE Yankee Clipper, SDFNE Hall of Fame
Williamson, Don
Don Williamson – July 12, 2012 Bob Brundage – Well hi again. This is Bob Brundage and today is the 12th of July, 2012, and we’re talking with Don Williamson down in Greenville, Tennessee. So Don, you’ve had a very successful and lengthy kind of a career and we’re anxious …