We are here today to present the Local Legend Award to Brian & Martha Beckman who have given many years of dedicated service to this dance community.
The LOCAL LEGEND AWARD was established to honor those individuals and couples who have advanced the goals of the SQUARE DANCE FOUNDATION OF NEW ENGLAND by their actions within their local areas over the years. The goals are the promotion, preservation and perpetuation of the square and round dance activity.
Brian and Martha Beckman, by their spirit and dedication, have exemplified the true meaning of leadership in the Square and Round Dance Community. Since their graduation with the Sage Swingers Square Dance Club of Bath/Brunswick Maine in 1992, they have attended every New England Square and Round Dance Convention. They have held offices of President and Vice-President of the Sage Swingers and participated significantly in one of the most vital and fastest growing clubs in New England. Brian has been a key member of the recruiting committee for 12 years and the retention of dancers has been a main focus for the Beckmans. They have made efforts to see that each new dancer is made to feel comfortable by dancing and socializing with them and helping them to bond with other dancers.
Brian and Martha have been angels for their club since their graduation in 1992 and they have been key club supporters for all the clubs workshops and square dance demonstrations in their local area.
Brian has held the office of President of the Square Dance Association of Greater Portland and served as the Associations Secretary for 7 years. His most notable accomplishment was to establish a non-conflict dance schedule for the greater Portland area and has maintained this calendar for several years. He has also held the offices of both Chairman and Vice-Chairman of the Committee for the Promotion of Square and Round Dancing of Maine. With a keen eye for detail, Brian has been responsible for developing, administering, compiling and analyzing recruitment and promotional survey data by working closely with all Maine clubs. He has presented the findings of this data to the Dancer publication, EDSARDA, and NECCA meetings and clubs in Maine and has been involved in the development and distribution of TV and radio clips, newspaper ads and recruitment flyers and pamphlets.
Residents of Phippsburg Maine, Brian and Martha are natives of Middleboro and Whitman, Massachusetts respectively. Brian has attended Bridgewater State College and Old Dominion University and has degrees in Political Science and Secondary Education and an MS in Educational Administration. Martha attended the Massachusetts School of Design and has been a successful real estate broker for the past 17 years.
The Square Dance Community is extremely fortunate to have couples and individuals, like the Beckmans, who give so generously of their time and talents to support and perpetuate the legacy of square and round dancing in New England. So, it is with great pleasure that we give this years Local Legends Award to Brian and Martha Beckman of the Sage Swingers Square Dance Club of Bath/Brunswick Maine.
With heartfelt appreciation and gratitude,