Square Dance Caller & Teacher
Their willingness to work was an inspiration to all in the Square and Round Dance World. Ed and Cora were always ready to serve on any committee for the good of the movement.
They w ere charter members of the Town Travelers Square Dance Club and members of the 4-H Square Dance Club.
Ed was past President of the North of Boston Square Dance Callers Association, past Chairman of NECCA and served as Caller Registration Chairman for the 1977 & 1978 New England Convention.
Ed was an active dancer and caller and well known throughout New England for his dedication to the idea of smooth dancing, also for his involvement in NECCA, CO-OP and the Square Dance Foundation of New England.
In private life he was active in the Lowell Rotary Club and as a volunteer for 20 years in the Boy Scouts of America. He joined professional scouting in 1941, serving in Rutland Vermont and Waterbury Connecticut, prior to becoming Chief Executive of the Greater Lowell Council, a position he held until his retirement in 1968. During that time he initiated the formation of a special troop for retarded boys. He also was a member of the Lowell Conservation Commission and a member of the Retarded Adult Rehabilitation Association of Greater Lowell.
Ed was well known and respected for his ability to organize, plan, run meetings and to get things done. Eds Wit, Wisdom and Sincerity and Coras Loyalty and Devotion make them worthy of the Yankee Clipper Award.
April 23, 1983