2000 – Art & Pat Anthony

Photo AnthonySquare Dance Caller/Teacher & Round Dance Cuer/Teacher

Art and Pat Anthony are always among the first to volunteer when there is a need to accomplish a task for the betterment of Square Dancing.


The Anthony’s started dancing at the Rhody Merrymakers and danced for five years before Art decided to take up calling over forty years ago. Pat has been cueing rounds since 1965. They have called and cued for several Rhode Island Clubs as well as guest calling and cueing for clubs throughout Southern New England. They have also been part of the group that has run a summer program of Basic and Mainstream Dances.


Art and Pat have actively participated in the organizations that are such an important part of our activity. They are members of the Narragansett Callers Association and have served as President, Vice-President and Secretaries of this association as well as having chaired the annual Spring Fling four times.


The Anthony’s also belong to the Rhode Island Round Dance Teachers Association and the Federation of Square and Round Dance Clubs. They are treasurers of The New England Council of Callers Association (NECCA) and are delegates to The Cooperation Committee. They are dedicated members of The Square Dance Foundation of New England, currently serving as First Vice-Presidents.


Art and Pat have provided Square and Round Dancing for the Fourth of July Celebration in the town of Bristol for many years and have held dance events for the schools in Barrington and also do programs for their church. The Anthony’s are also strongly committed to their family.


The New England Square & Round Dance Cooperation Committee, acting on behalf of the Square Dancers of New England, is proud to present the Yankee Clipper Award to Art and Pat Anthony.




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