Square Dance Caller & Teacher
Mil & Anna Dixon, both individually and collectively, have been notable in their contributions to our Square Dance Activity.
Mil and Anna became members of the Checkmate Square Dance Club in 1967 and soon were involved as dance leaders, being elected Presidents in 1971.
In 1968 Mil became interested in calling and attended caller schools to increase his knowledge of the craft. He started a square dance group for young people which became a junior club of the Checkmates – the Checkknights.
The Dixons are members of Tri-State Callers Association, North of Boston Callers Association, The New England Folk Festival Association, ACCORD Round Dance Association, CALLERLAB and the Square Dance Foundation of New England. Their involvement in these organizations goes far beyond paying monetary dues. As members of Tri-State Callers Association they served in every office and as delegates to NECCA, from The North of Boston Callers Association, they again held every office including Chairman from 1982-1984. They have been actively involved in The Square Dance Foundation of New England having served as Recording Secretary and currently as Presidents. Their contribution to this organization has been outstanding.
Mil has called and taught for nearly thirty years. During this time he worked with five teen and three adult square dance clubs. Though retired from his career as an educator and administrator he continues to call and teach squares and rounds.
Anna has held many public relation positions and is well known to all for her narration of the Fashion Shows at many of our New England Square & Round Dance Conventions.
Mil & Anna Dixons friendliness and support of our activity has touched many people. Their contribution to our activity continues to grow.
The Cooperation Committee, acting on behalf of the dancers of New England, salutes you for your years of dedication and service to the Square Dance Community.