2001 – Vera & Dick Smith

photo-smithvRound dance Cuers & Teachers

There are few in our activity who have given as much of themselves, in so many different ways, as Vera and Dick Smith.

         Since they learned to square dance over thirty-five year ago, they have participated as leaders in the activity.

They served as Secretaries and Presidents of the Pieces of Eight Square Dance Club of Walpole, New Hampshire where they learned to dance both squares and rounds. Vera and Dick have also been Secretaries, Treasurer and Presidents of The Mountain Valley Square Dance Association.

While serving as delegates to EDSARDA (Eastern District Square and Round Dance Association) they were again involved as Secretaries and Treasurer. Vera was elected as the first lady President of EDSARDA. They were representatives to the Cooperation Committee from EDSARDA and again served as Secretaries of this organization.

Around 1980 when their Club Caller moved to Kentucky, there was no Round Dance teacher to carryon this segment of the square dance program. Believing that square and rounds went together, they made the decision to become Round Dance Teachers. To help develop their teaching skills they have attended several Round Dance Schools.

Vera and Dick became members of ACCORD and held the office of Secretary as well as becoming delegates to NECORTA (New England Council of Round Dance Teachers Association). Vera became Chairman of NECORTA making her the only lady who has been the head of two of our three New England Organizations.

         Vera and Dick were among the delegates from New England who attended the initial meeting of the International Square Dance Organization, LEGACY.

They are members of ROUNDALAB and are strong supporters of the Square Dance Foundation of New England. Vera and Dick were inducted into the Square Dance Foundations Hall of Fame in the year 2000.

Though heavily involved in the Square Dance Activity, they have found time for other organizations and friends, while working and raising their family of three sons. Dick is a retired nuclear qualified X-ray technician and administrator.

         Vera and Dick are still actively involved and are teaching and cueing in Florida.

         It is with great pleasure that the Cooperation Committee, acting on behalf of the dancers of

New England, present the Yankee Clipper Award to Vera and Dick Smith.

GIVEN AT MANCHESTER, NEW HAMPSHIRE                                         APRIL 28, 2001


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