Square Dance Leaders
From the time Conrad and Pauline started Square Dance lessons with the Heel and Toe club in October of 1961, it became obvious they were destined to become leaders in our activity.
In 1966, they joined Queen City Promenaders and maintained membership in both clubs.
They were Publicity Chairmen for Heel and Toe for eight years and assisted in updating Queen City Promenaders By-Laws.
In 1970, Conrad and Pauline were elected Presidents of Queen City Promenaders after having served on numerous committees.
They served as Secretaries to the Steering Committee in 1974 and 1975 to bring the New England Convention to Manchester for 1979 and 1980. The bid was successful and the Cotes were appointed Vice Chairmen of those conventions.
In 1980, the Cotes were appointed Program Chairmen for E.D.S.A.R.D.A. and from 1982 to 1989 they handled the printing, distribution and sales of the Caller/Cuer contracts used by most clubs today.
Their leadership abilities were put to good use in 1981 and 1982 when they were elected Vice Presidents of E.D.S.A.R.D.A. and then went on to become Presidents in 1983 and 1984.
1981-1989 They were Presenters in the E.D.S.A.R.D.A.
Management Forums.
1985-1990 They were Co-op directory Chairmen.
1980-1989 They served on the Yankee Clipper Award Committee.
1984-1990 They worked on the Convention Guidelines through two revisions.
1988-1990 They established a formal “Convention Guidelines Committee” including formal bid presentation procedures.
1977-1990 The Cotes served as Co-op delegates from E.D.S.A.R.D.A. In 1992, they were inducted into the Square Dance Foundation of New Englands “Hall of Fame”.
Conrad and Pauline Cote were so full of love and loyalty for our activity that their dedication, determination and commitment caused them to work unselfishly all of those years, in so many ways to get the job done and that is exactly what they accomplished. They are truly deserving of this Yankee Clipper Award.