1979 – Fairs ‘N’ Squares SDC

Square & Round Dance Club The Fairs ‘N’ Squares were formally organized in the spring of 1962.  They have been a viable organization for 17 years.  The club has supplied good leadership to umbrella square dance Organizations.  They sponsored, for thirteen years, the Massachusetts Presidents Seminar Ball and Dance.  The …

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1979 – *Tom & Gretchen Noonan

Unselfishness.  This seems to be the watchword used most frequently by the dancers who nominated this couple and all who know Tom and Gretchen. For more than a quarter century the Noonan’’s have been teaching square & round dancing. Many of his pupils have attested to the patience, understanding and …

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1979 – *Ralph & *Ada Page

Square Dance Caller & Teacher An outstanding musician, caller, square dance historian, choreographer, writer, patriot and researcher.  These are some of the terms used to describe Ralph Page.  Ralph once said, “My mother was a beautiful dancer, Dad was a fair fiddler, and my uncle was a caller.  I was …

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