Category: Yankee Clipper Awards
2000 – Ron & Goldie Clifford
1999 – Mil & Anna Dixon
Square Dance Caller & Teacher Mil & Anna Dixon, both individually and collectively, have been notable in their contributions to our Square Dance Activity. Mil and Anna became members of the Checkmate Square Dance Club in 1967 and soon were involved as dance leaders, being elected Presidents in 1971. …
1999 – Al & Anita Monty
Square Dance Caller & Teacher In our Square Dance Activity we have the opportunity to share the accomplishments of individuals. AI & Anita Monty’s dedication and commitment to the square dance movement in Vermont has been extensive. AI, who has been calling for over fifty years, started at the young …
1998 – Hillie Bailey
1998 – *Hal & *Doris Holmes
Square Dance Leaders Involved on both sides of the mike, as dancers and caller/cuer, Hal & Doris Holmes have given unselfishly of their time, efforts and talents in promoting the many facets of our square dance activity. As folk dancers, Hal and Doris were introduced to square dancing, while living …
1997 – Art & Marge Dugas
Square Dance Leaders From the very beginning of their introduction to square dancing, the involvement of Art and Marge Dugas has been one of dedication and commitment. They have willingly shared their knowledge and experience in organizational skills. As leaders they have been outstanding in making things happen with great …
1996 – *Dick & *Sue Leger
1995 – Robert & Martha Carpenter
Square Dance Leaders Bob and Martha Carpenter are dedicated leaders who are supportive not only of the Square and Round Dance movement but are also deeply involved in service to their community. The “credentials” of Bob and Martha are exceptional. Bob’s involvement in the church include: Chairman of the Board …
1995 – Bill & Jill Calderone
Round dance Cuers & Teachers Bill and Jill Calderone are known nationwide as the composers of the Round Dance “Cab Driver”. At home they are known particularly for their compassion and willingness to use square and round dancing as a means to provide pleasure for the elderly and emotionally …