1994 – *Dick & *Sue Leger (RI)

Square Dance Caller & Teacher

Dick and Sue Leger have been active in the calling and teaching, both of dancers and callers, for over 46 years. The man with the guitar is known as the link between traditional and contemporary dancing. Dick’s educational dance albums have been used in classrooms and gyms throughout the world. He was Chair of the CALLERLAB Timing Committee for 14 years. Dick is recognized nationally and world wide for his excellent timing and smoothness in dancing and was inducted into the Sets In Order Square Dance Callers Hall of Fame and is the recipient of CALLERLAB’s Milestone Award. A strong advocate that square dancing is best served when its teaching includes choreography, music, and timing, resulting in quality calling and dancing for the fun filled benefit of all.


         Local recognition is long overdue as we welcome this outstanding couple into New England‘s Hall of Fame.

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