2008 – Bob & *Norma Silva (FL)

Square Dance Caller and Round Dance Cuer

Bob and Norma began Square and Round Dancing in 1976 with the Riverside Squares.  They enjoyed the activity so much that they graduated caller’s school and became a Caller/Cuer team.  They started their first square and rounds class in January of 1979 and shortly thereafter accepted the positions of Class and Club Caller and Club Cuer for the Northeast Regional Squares.  In a very short time, Bob & Norma were in demand throughout New England.  In 1987, their talents were so much in demand that they built a dance hall above their garage and taught squares from class level to A-2 and rounds through Phase V.  Even after moving from New England to Naples, Florida in 2000, they continued to call, cue and teach with the Happy Promenaders.


Bob & Norma have served square and round dancing in numerous functions, including eight years on the staff of the Bermuda Square and Round Dance Festival, Caller/Cuer Programmer Chairpersons for the New England Square and Round Dance Convention 1988-1989 and again in 1998-1999.  They have been members of Callerlab and Roundalab, delegates to NECCA, CO-OP, and NECORTA, past President of Tri-State Callers Association, Secretary and Chairman of ACCORD, and served on the NECORTA Screening Committee. 


Bob & Norma, it is with great pleasure that we welcome you to the Square Dance Foundation of New England’s Hall of Fame.





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