1998 – Tom & Barbara Potts (MA)

Square Dance Caller & Teacher

Tom and Barbara Potts have brought the joy of square and round dancing to thousands during their 40 years as dance leaders. They are responsible, as founding members and Presidents, for most of the organizations that service our activity today, such as Tri-State Callers, ACCORD, NECORTA, NECCA and ROUNDALAB. They were charter members and have been active supporters of Legacy as well as the Square Dance Foundation of New England. As impressive as this involvement has been, however, it tells only part of the story. As a square- and round-dance teacher, Tom has taught innumerable dancers, and he and Barbara have founded at least 6 clubs to enable them to enjoy their new-found hobby. They have always been willing to donate of their time and skills for community demonstrations to aid in new-dancer recruitment. Not only leaders themselves, they chaired for many years the New England Leadership Conference so that others might also be better able to lead in our activity. They were honored for their many contributions when they received the Yankee Clipper Award in 1986. It was their suggestion that led to the formation of the SDFNE Hall of Fame, and they have served on the Selection Committee until this year. It was only through the bald-faced trickery of not informing them about this year’s nominations meeting that we were able to accomplish their long-overdue election! Parents of 5 children and active in a variety of community activities, including Boy Scouts, they embody all that is the best among our activity’s leaders. It does the Hall of Fame proud to induct Tom and Barbara as members today.


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