Squaare Dance Leaders
Pete and Betty Rawstron began western square dancing with Charlie Baldwin in 1946 in the Boston, Ma area. They moved to San Francisco where they first served as an officer in their club and as a delegate to the Northern Calif. Square and Round Dance Assoc. In 1972 they moved to Nashville, Tenn. where they joined 3 clubs, serving as delegates, secretary and president, were founding members and became officers of the Tennessee Association, organized 3 state conventions and promoted the activity with involvement in parades, dances at Opryland, USA, edited and circulated a monthly newsletter, successfully lobbied for the square dance to become the Tennessee State Folk Dance and served on the National Convention Committee. In 1984 they moved to Cape Cod, Ma. As a member of the Nautical Twirlers they served as President for 3 years. As Board members of EDSARDA they served in publication screening and as clerk and secretary. They have attended 23 National Conventions and organized the showcase of ideas at 10 of them. They lobbied to make square dancing our National Folk Dance of the United States with visits to Washington, D.C. They have been a Legacy Trustee since 1983 and served on their Board for 6 years. They were successful in getting Massachusetts to designate square dancing as the State Folk Dance. They have been delegates to SEMCA for 7 years and a strong supporter of the Square Dance Foundation of New England. Their lifetime commitment to the promotion of square dancing is deserving of recognition and induction into our Hall of Fame.