Square Dance Leaders
Bob and Martha Carpenter are not only dedicated leaders of the square dance activity but they are also deeply involved in their church and community. They began dancing with Hilltown Squares in Haverhill, graduating in 1977, and served in most club offices including three stints at President. When Hilltown disbanded, they joined Fairtown Squares in Danvers, where they served two terms as President. They were also involved on the regional level, serving NSSARDA as Recording Secretary, Vice President and President. Active supporters of the New England Square and Round Dance Convention, they attended for 25 consecutive years, and served as Secretary for the 1989-1990 and General Chairman for the 1998-1999 Conventions. Appointed as members of the Cooperation Committee advising subsequent Conventions, they also served a term on the Guidelines Committee. Other activities on the New England level included terms as Vice President and President of the EDSARDA. Bob and Martha become involved with the Square Dance Foundation shortly after its inception, serving as Secretary and later as President. They spearheaded the successful fund raising initiative known as the “Tea Party Dance.” They were active proponents of the Hall of Fame and served as Chairman for several years, retiring in 2003. In addition to the number of leadership positions and projects with which they have been involved (which border on legendary), they have continued to exhibit a great sense of humor (groans included), and are supportive and sincere in all their efforts. Their extensive involvement on the local, regional and New England levels of the Square and Round dance activity are gratefully acknowledged by dancers all over our area. In 1999 Bob and Martha were recognized for their dedication to the square dance activity when they were presented with the Yankee Clipper Award. It is with great pleasure and pride that Bob and Martha are presented for the induction to the Square Dance Foundation Hall of Fame.