1997 – *Andy & Louise D’Amore (MA)

Square Dance Leaders

Andy and Louise D’Amore began Western square dancing at Fairtown Squares, Topsfield, MA in 1972. They began serving as Club officers the following year, holding positions as Publicity Chairman, Secretary, Treasurer, Vice President and President.

Their leadership role became greater as they served as Recording Secretary, Vice President, President and Advisor of the North Shore Square and Round Dance Association.

            Andy and Louise have served on three New England Square and Round Dance

Convention Committees, as Transportation Chairman, Liaison and General Chairman in 1989-90. They have served as Delegates to the Co-Operation Committee and as Chairman for two terms of the Guidelines Committee for the New England Conventions.

They have always helped when asked to support fundraising events through their travel business, providing much-needed support to the Square Dance Foundation and other organizations. They have worked tirelessly for twenty-five years for the betterment of the square and round dance movement in New England. Their no-nonsense management style has proven effective in the wide variety of leadership roles they have held. In particular, Andy’s many years of experience in the U.S. Navy have helped numerous New England organizations to navigate often-turbulent waters. The election of Andy and Louise D’Amore comes as a richly-deserved recognition of their devoted and diverse involvement in the activity they have cherished.


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