2006 – Bob & *Louise Griffin (NH)

Square Dance Leaders

Bob & Louise Griffin began square dancing in 1960 with the Town Travelers and have never stopped serving this great activity.


Bob & Louise accepted the position of Advisor for the Teen Travelers in 1961 and continued in this role until 1972. They assisted with the operation, coordination, planning and scheduling of all the teen activities. They served the Town Travelers equally as well in positions of President, Vice President, Treasurer, Program Chairman, Banner Chairman, Publicity Chairman, and Secretary. In all Bob & Louise provided their club with approximately 18 years of service. Today they continue as active members of at least two square dance clubs.


They have continued to serve the square dance community by twice being the President of the North Shore Square and Round Dance Association and also performing the duties of the Vice President and continuing today as Advisor to the association.


Bob & Louise have served as the President, Vice-President, Secretary, and Advisor to the Eastern District Square and Round Dance Association. Today they are currently in their second term as Secretary to EDSARDA, they are delegates to the CO-Operation Committee and they are working on the Guidelines Committee as well as the EDSARDA 50th Anniversary Committee. Bob and Louise have never said no to promotion, preservation and perpetuation of square and round dancing.


It is a privilege to recognize their many years of devoted work on behalf of the square and round dance movement, by inducting them into the Square Dance Foundation of NE Hall of Fame.



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