Square Dance Caller & Teacher
Ed and Pat Juaire have been important and thoughtful voices for square and round dancers for many years. Beginning as dancers in 1982, they found themselves only 2 years later as Chairman of the Rhode Island Federation Fall Festival! They served in various club offices with the Smokey Squares and as Dancer Registration Chairman for the New England Square and Round Dance Convention in 1985-1986. They have been for many years Data Processing Chairman for EDSARDA as well as Delegates to CO-OP. Pat has worn her Caller’s hat as member and President of the Narragansett Callers Association. They have become best known, however, as Publishers and Editors of The Northeast Square Dancer Magazine since 1989. Ed and Pat have always been ready, willing and able to support local activities in their columns; local clubs’ news notes; and area, regional and national organizations’ announcements. They were instrumental in the success of the Foundation Tea Party Dances. They have quietly and without fanfare donated untold pages of magazine space to promote the welfare of the activity about which they both care so much. Ed and Pat have always been willing to stretch article submission dates, generally at the cost of personal last-minute publication pressure, when needed for the good of various organizations. Most recently, they have taken on publishing and editing American Square Dance Magazine, and dancers worldwide have reason to rejoice that they will bring their knowledge and multiple skills to this endeavor. They are proud parents of 3 children, and have served with distinction in town government. Without their untiring efforts, there would be no way for dancers to keep abreast of our dance activities, for they provide the only reliable, comprehensive means of communication we have. With this induction to SDFNE’s Hall of Fame, we echo the voices of thanks of countless dancers around the globe for a job well done, and a wish for continued success!