1999 – Ron & Goldie Clifford (MA)

Square Dance Leaders

Ron and Goldie Clifford have been among the outstanding leaders in the New England Square and Round Dance movement since their graduation from the Natick Square Riggers Class in 1981. Hitting the ground running, they became Club President in 1982! During the past 17 years, they have “angelÂ’d” nearly every Class, attending Over 600 Class dances, and attesting to their awareness of the importance of helping new dancers become involved. They have also made over 375 trips to other Clubs, evidencing their enjoyment of the activity, and supporting their Club in its endeavors. These are the numbers, but they tell only part of the story of this wonderful couple. Seeing a need to publicize Square Dancing, they founded and chaired the highly successful Square Dance Awareness Days in Boston from 1988 to 1992, giving our activity both new visibility and new recruits. They have long served as members of EDSARDA, and were Presidents from 1991 to 1993. They have served as CO-OP delegates since 1989, and were Secretary in 1994-1996. A successful stint on the Guidelines Committee, charged with shepherding the New England Convention, culminated in the Chairmanship in 1996-1997. They have most recently concluded a term as Project Coordinators for the 1998-1999 New England Convention. With all this, they somehow found the time to raise two children, Barry and Beth; serve as President of the elementary school PTO; act as Town Meeting members; coach Little League (Ron); lead Cub and Girl Scout groups (Goldie); and restore a 1937 Ford! It is indeed a tribute to their boundless energy, enthusiasm, dedication and ability that they have done so much so well. Their hard work, talent, imagination and devotion to the Square and Round Dance activity make it a great honor to induct them today into New England‘s Hall of Fame.


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