Square Dance Leaders
Dick and Judy graduated in 1971 from Queen City Promenaders in Manchester, N.H. and, typically, started the Club’s Newsletter the next year. They’ve been making news ever since, as writers of the “Square Beat” column in the Manchester Union Leader and Northeast Square Dancer, as well as the SDFNE Membership newsletter. Their talents in this area led to their selection as presenters at the EDSARDA Management Information Forum from 1982-90. A full two years after graduation, they were elected for the first of two stints as President of Queen City Promenaders. They have continued to serve their club in a variety of roles, most recently (in 1995) as Chairmen of Queen City Promenaders’ 30th Anniversary dinner-dance.
The Severances were elected as President of the SDFNE in 1984-86 and have continued to work as Chairmen of the Library-Museum. They have twice served as Committee Chairmen for the New England Square and Round Dance Convention. On the national level, they have twice attended Legacy International Conferences.
Their outstanding and varied efforts to advance the cause of Square and Round Dancing on the local, regional and national levels were recognized when they received the Yankee Clipper Award in 1989.
The SDFNE is honored by their election to its Hall of Fame.